About Us

We have been in business since 2000.  We assist insurance and fleet management companies to establish liability when there is a loss or damage to one or more of their assets.  We conduct in-depth accident and merits investigation. We conduct inspection in loco.  We also investigate third party motor vehicle claims. We investigate loss of support claims arising from motor vehicle accident. We confirm employment, paternity and marriages in loss of support claims.  We make sure that the correct dependents are the one that benefit.

We investigate COID (Commuting on Journey) claims.  We liaise with the law enforcement departments. We also do document collection to avoid long drawn processing of the claim.  We ensure that the claim is legitimate and that the pay-out is expedited through our quick turnaround time.  We help the insurance companies to process the claims in the quickest and less stressful way.

People move around and pass on over time and this makes it impossible to trace people, their dependents and or beneficiaries.  We help fund administrators locate people, their dependents and or beneficiaries.  We work in conjunction with the administrators to enable the beneficiaries access their benefit/inheritance. Fund administrators have a responsibility to trace these people, their dependants and or beneficiaries.  Our role is to facilitate in the location of these people so that they can receive their benefit/inheritance.  We offer desktop and physical tracing of beneficiaries.  We believe our role goes a long way in improving the quality of people’s lives.

We offer our services nationally and in the neighbouring Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries.  We have a professional team with many years of experience and qualifications in the space we operate in.  All of our employees have completed an Accident Reconstruction Leve-1 course. We provide ethical outcomes that our clients can rely on.  We pride ourselves in the continuous training and development of our team.